US School and John Amaral & Associates gratefully acknowledge the following individuals and companies for their support:

The past and present students of US School.

Larry and Lee Berk

The corporate sponsorship of ACI US (makers of 4D database and WebStar server).

Robert Cooley (Meridian Stretching Center; for insight and training of many of the principles taught in YogaGuitar.

Karl Aranjo for invaluable help in developing the print version of the US School Bulletin.

Bill Leavitt

The Ruth H. Philips Foundation

Carol Nelson Sams

David Van Koevering of the Van Koevering Piano Company has been a great booster.

George Gruhn of Gruhn Guitars has been a source of accurate historical information.

Susan Speechley Lukito

Kevin Eubanks

John Patrick McGree

John M. Amaral

Marina Bear

David Mash

Robert Webb

Bruce MacDonald

Paul Bugielski

Kim Robin Nagy

Kathy Moore


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