Whereas the manifestations of our personality are substantial to ordinary life and automatic, in the third level of YogaGuitar, these manifestations are the subjects of impartial, simultaneous observations.

Such observations are fundamentally extraordinary in both the figurative and the literal sense.

After sufficient observations have been accumulated, extraordinary growth is possible, which, if continued, will lead to extraordinary maturity of which artistic mastery is a possible by-product.

body meridians

YogaGuitar's mission is to help ordinary people turn themselves into artists and to help artists turn themselves into masters.

For those interested, the third stage of YogaGuitar study is the understanding of the 3 body system and the personal Effort necessary for the second and third bodies to grow. The Physical body and the lower tetrachord of the Emotional body, contain the 16 personality aspects associated with ordinary life, and they provide the foundation which houses and nourishes the upper Emotional and Soul bodies. The personalities exist and function below the common horizontal line which separates ordinary and extraordinary life. The 3 Body Diagram represents the stages of growth of the Physical, Emotional and Soul bodies. A representation of the completion of the Emotional body and of the entire Soul body is found above the line in the 3 Body Diagram. The success of this Work is dependent, in part, on having a healthy foundation, as developed in YogaGuitar levels 1 and 2.


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